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5-minute interview with Lady Omolola Oyewusi

  1. Can I start by asking you to tell us a little about yourself?

I'm Lady Omolola Oyewusi, the COO and founder of Magdalene ministry, co-founder and a director of Nigeria community association in Kent and Medway. I'm also a community activist. I'm a member of Unison National Disabled Members Committee with other amazing people fighting for the rights of disabled members. I'm also the chair of my work place disability networking group amplifying the voices of disabled members ensuring that my organization is disability confident and giving the right reasonable adjustments to people with disabilities. I'm a school governor leading on equality, diversity and Inclusion ensuring that no child is left behind in equal participation and fair representation.

  1. Many disabled people do not consider themselves to be disabled; do you think or yourself or describe yourself as disabled?

I used to be one of those people that hides their disability because I don't want to be stigmatized or thinking my employers might use it against me if they know about my disabilities. Also as a Black woman we are not encouraged in our communities to talk about our disabilities. Now I own my disabilities because I'm not just disabled for a day, I'm disabled everyday. I have a lot of hidden disabilities that affects my day to day life. Ability is hidden inside disability. I have proven to myself and many others that even with disabilities I have the ability to do a great job delivering brilliant services to my workplace and to community at large.

  1. You are known as a role model for disabled people – do you think of yourself as a role model? If not, why not?

Yes I see myself as a role model for people with disabilities showing my vibrant self everyday to encourage people like me and with disabilities that there's no shame in it

  1. What do you think are the biggest barriers facing disabled people and preventing them from reaching their full potential and fully participating in society?

For me is Fear which can be equated to attitudinal, physical, communication, social, negative stereotypes, education, poverty and health inequalities are all barriers that people with disabilities are afraid of and face every day . We face prejudice, discrimination, stereotyping and stigma. Mine is a double whammy because I'm a Black woman with lots of hidden disabilities.

  1. Can you give any examples of barriers that you have faced? Did you overcome them? If so, how?

Loneliness and Isolation, I struggled to have friends , I struggled to fit in because of the stereotype that I faced when my disability was visible . I have to raise my voice to be heard and that's become part of my life till date. I overcame my loneliness and Isolation when I began to value myself more, enjoy my own company and showed the world what an amazing person I can be.

  1. As a disabled person what is the biggest barrier either facing you or disabled people generally that you would like the new Government to take action on?

The biggest barrier facing people with disabilities right now is not having a disability minister that can really be the voice of disabled people in the Parliament. We need a minister that will advocate and put the issues of people with disabilities at the heart of the Government agenda for a better change.

  1. Do you think that the British media and the British public have an open and positive attitude towards disability and disabled people? If not, why not?

British media and the British people do not have an open and positive attitude towards disability and disabled people. They have labelled us as lazy, benefit cheats and feels that we haven't contributed much to the society. This is a lie from the pit of hell. 4.9 million people with disabilities are employed in the UK contributing to the economic growth of this country since 2022 and now in 2024 5.5 million disabled people are employed .

  1. Have you heard of the ‘Social Model of Disability’ and do you agree with it?

Yes I have heard of it and personally there are some aspect of it that I agree with because it looks at ways of removing barriers that restrict life choices for people with disabilities. I also feel that a person's impairment should be embedded in the social model of disability.

  1. At the moment the ‘Assisted Dying Bill’ is receiving a lot of coverage in the media. What is your opinion of the bill? Do you agree with it? Do you have any concerns? Is a private members bill the best way or the correct way to change the law on such an important issue?

This has been a very emotive subject for many people, I'm a woman of faith, I don't believe in changing the natural law of order. I understand that people don't want their loved ones to live in serious pain and agony . I can't forget the impact of Covid on the Black communities and those that abuse powers given to them that led to increase in death of people from the Black communities.

I'm concerned that history will repeat itself and those who are extremely vulnerable are not safeguarded in this bill.

  1. Finally, thank you for taking the time to answer these questions. Is there anything else you are happy to share about your life experiences as a disabled person?

Growing up as child living with polio with disfigured legs , pores on my legs , and a brain that doesn't function like others nearly destroyed my life, it took away my confidence, dignity and I was lost in a lonely place. I was treated like an unwanted child abandoned by mother. It was my father and grandmother that nurtured me with love and helped me to see myself as a beautiful caterpillar that's waiting to be transformed into a beautiful butterfly. My grandmother always say to me if you need to shout to be heard! Do it and don't let anyone put you in a corner. That's shaped who I am today.

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