I feel the frustration.
Someone who is disabled wants support, but someone who is non disabled says "Sorry, I didn't know".
That's an excuse that just lingers.
They expect the non disabled person to know the answer, but they may not know the solution either.
The non disabled person expects the disabled person to know everything about their disability, yet doesn't know everything within their trade.
If they did know everything within their trade they would be able to make it accessible.
This isn't a war waged against non disabled people. Because a wheelchair user may want a ramp, but not be willing to put ALT text on their images. This means some people cannot understand their images. Disabled people can be the people putting barriers in the way for other disabled people too.
I'm trying to set a scene, that at some point everyone knows nothing about everything. We all need to learn.
Some people are better at learning than others, whilst people learn in different ways.
Which asks another question, what if the only way to learn does not fit with your most appropriate learning style? Again, this isn't good.
Some tips to help those who don't know understand more: * Focus on your hobbies, interests and work. Think of ways you can help others enjoy what you do.
* Listen and take note. If you are always listening, you have the opportunity to learn. If someone asks you for help, think how you can help others with similar difficulties too.
* Find people who share their lived experiences on social media. Champion what they need and help remove barriers they face.
* Try and learn from people instead of text books. More importantly, people who face those difficulties. They are the people you are trying to support, if you don't include them, how do you know you are actually helping.
* Be curious, ask people what their biggest challenge is and what could help them.
* Remember, everyone is different. Be flexible and willing to adapt.
* Allow yourself to get things wrong. Don't be defensive, just apologise and learn from the situation.
* Most of all though, don't bury your head in the sand and think it doesn't matter or the situation will go away.
What would you add to the list ?
